When dealing with a motor vehicle accident it is critical that you seek legal counsel immediately. You need to be informed of the process you are about to encounter so that you can get a plan to deal with your situation. It is very important for you to document as much about your situation as possible so that you have accurate records of the incident and your road to recovery. If you are still at the accident scene call us immediately for some quick legal advice on what to do at the scene - 604 271-8078.
One thing you may not know is that hiring an accident lawyer may not be in your best short term interest as ICBC may treat your case differently if they are aware you have retained legal counsel. However it is important that you seek legal advice immediately. Getting advice on how to handle your situation with ICBC does not mean you have retained a lawyer, it just means that you are smart enough to make sure you have a plan in place before speaking to ICBC. We will help you decide if you should hire us right away or to wait for the appropriate time.
When dealing with a large law firm you are typically handled by a Junior Lawyer or a legal aid, not so with Ryan Law Group. Their top lawyers usually handle the large cases and pass your case over to a new lawyer with limited experience. In law, experience is paramount to your success; knowing what precedents have been set in previous cases is a huge key to winning cases. Ryan law group
Another challenge you may encounter is that the junior lawyer the big firms would assign to you typically have monthly “sales” targets. This is a dirty secret that people outside of the legal industry do not know. In order to hit their targets junior lawyers can push to settle too soon robbing you of your deserved compensation. Another tactic they use to hit their targets is to increase your fees. We pride ourselves on being upfront with our fees so there are no surprises.
Call us now to get the best motor vehicle legal advice 604 271-8078.